新葡的京集团(3512-VIP认证)-Brand Company





理学博士, 1994.091997.6,中国科学技术大学(凝聚态物理)
理学硕士, 1992.091994.06,中国科学技术大学(分析化学)
理学学士, 1982.091986.07,安徽大学(分析化学)


2010.01University of Nottingham,研究员
2004.08University of Sussex,研究员




1 蚕丝改性及其机理研究


2 天然产物(如蚕桑产品、中草药和食用昆虫等)中化学组分的快速检测方法成分分析
3 纳米材料的家蚕生物效应研究
4 蚕丝复合生物材料的应用研究








[1] Peng Song, Dongyang Zhang, Xiaohui Yao, Fan Feng, Guohua Wu∗,Preparation of a regenerated silk fibroin film and its adsorbability to azo dyesInt. J. Biol. Macromol.102 (2017) 1066–1072.

[2] Guohua Wu, Peng Song, Dongyang Zhang, Zeyu Liu, Long Li, Huiming Huang, Hongping Zhao*, Nannan Wang, Yanqiu Zhu*Robust composite silk fibers pulled out of silkworms directly fed with nanoparticlesInt. J. Biol. Macromol. 104 (2017) 533–538.

[3] Ma, Lin; Liu, Haiyan; Wu, Guohua*Zeyu Liu, Ping Wu, Long Li*, Light-induced self-assembly of bi-color CdTe quantum dots allows the discrimination of multiple proteins , J. Mater Chem. B2017, 5(29: 5745-5752.

[4] Liu, Zeyu; Yan, Xiufen; Li, Long, Guohua Wu*, Theoretical insight into the substituent effects on linear and nonlinear optical properties of azobenzene-based chromophores , J. Phys Org. Chem.2017, 30:e3631.

[5] Lili Yao, Wenxiu Yang, Huiling Liu, Jianbo Jia, Guohua Wu,* Dan Liu, Ting Liu, Taixing Tan and Cheng Wang*Synthesis and ORR electrocatalytic activity of mixed Mn–Co oxides derived from divalent metal-based MIL-53 analoguesDalton Trans., 2017, 46, 15512-15519.

[6] 袁本高,张东阳,李龙,武国华*ICP-MS法测定添食金属纳米颗粒后家蚕组织中的金属含量,质谱学报(EI)2017, 38(2):256-264.

[7] 武国华,张英,屠钰,徐斌,李龙,桑叶中9种金属元素的次级形态分析,蚕业科学,2017. 2017;43 (4)657-661.

[8] 武国华,非变性质谱在非共价蛋白质复合物和结构生物学研究领域的应用,蚕业科学,2017. 2017;43 (5)866-870.

[9] 张英刘泽玉李龙武国*,桑叶中12种金属元素的含量及初级形态分析,蚕业科学,2016, 42(5):793-798.

[10] 马琳李龙武国华,基于CdTe量子点的三通道传感器对蛋白质的同步识别,光谱学与光谱分析,2016, 36(10):419-420

[11] Guohua Wu*Hamish StewartZeyu LiuYongcheng Wangand Anthony J. Stace*Activation of Methane by the Pyridine Radical Cation and its Substituted Forms in the Gas Phase,J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2015, 26:1382-1387.
Bin Xu, Dongyang Zhang, Zeyu Liu, Ying Zhang, Li Liu, Long Li, Charles C. Liu, Guohua Wu*,Rapid determination of 1-deoxynojirimycin in Morus alba L. leaves by direct analysis in real time (DART) mass spectrometryJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2015, 114:447–454.
Dongyang Zhang, Xiaohui Yao, Minghui Duan, Fuyao Wei, Guohua Wu*Long LiVariation of essential oil content and antioxidant activity of Loniceraspecies in different sites of ChinaInd. Crop Prod. , 201577772–779.

[14]Kan He,Wenwen Lv,Dongni Zheng,Fei Cheng,Tao ZhouShoudong Ye,Qian BanQilong YingBei HuangLei ChenGuohua Wuand Dahai LiuThe stromal genome heterogeneity between breast and prostate tumors revealed by a comparative transcriptomic analysisOncotarget20156(11):8687-8697.



[17]Zeyu Liu, Xiufen Yan, Long Li and Guohua Wu*Modulation of the optical properties of D-π-A type azobenzene derivatives by changing the π-conjugated backbones: A theoretical study, J. Theor. Comput. Chem., 2015, 14, 1550041.        


[19]Zeyu Liu, Xiufen Yan, Long Li and Guohua Wu*Theoretical investigation of the topology and metalation effects on the first hyperpolarizability of rosarins,Chem. Phys. Lett.,2015,641, 5–8. 

[20]武国华,郭伟,陈艾亭,刘泽玉,李龙,采用微波消解结合ICP-MS法定量检测家蚕蛹和柞蚕蛹中的12种金属元素,蚕业科学,201541( 5) : 934-939.

[21]徐斌,张东阳,刘利,李龙,武国华*,高效液相色谱荧光检测法测定22种桑叶中1-脱氧野尻霉素含量的研究,安徽农业科学,201543( 20):1-3.

[22]Lei Chen, Dahai Liu, Guohua Wu, Yuanyuan MaSoy 11S Globulin Acid Subunits as the Novel Food Polymer CarrierInternational Journal of Polymer Science2015,2015:1-8.  
李龙,高晓阳,陈艾亭,武国华*,微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定麻黄中的4种无机元素,质谱学报 (EI)2013343):157-162
 [26] Xiaoyang Gao
Long LiGuohua Wu*Variation in rubidium concentrations in
the haemolymph, and silk gland of silkworm during development by microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy(Best posteraward), The 6th Shanghai International Symposium on analytical Chemistry, 2012.10
 [28] Hazel Cox, Caroline Norris, Guohua Wu, Jingang Guan, Stephen Hessey, Anthony J. Stace, Evidence of zinc superoxide formation in the gas phase: Comparisons in behaviour between ligated Zn(I/II) and Cu(I/II) with regard to the attachment of O2 or H2O, Dalton Trans., 2011, 40, 11200-11210.

 [29] Hamish Stewart, Guohua Wu, Lifu Ma, Michael Barclay, Andreia Dias Vieira, Andrew King, Hazel Cox and Anthony J. Stace, Ultraviolet Photofragmentation Spectroscopy of Alkaline Earth Dication Complexes with Pyridine and 4-Picoline (4-Methyl pyridine)
J. Phys. Chem. A2011115(25)6948-6960.
 [30] Guohua Wu, Xiaojing Chen, Anthony J. Staceand Per Linse, Communication: Delayed asymmetric Coulomb fission of molecular clusters: Application of a dielectric liquid-drop model, The Journal of Chemical Physics
2011, 031103(1-4).
 [31] Guohua Wu, Hamish Stewart, Anthony J. Stace, Photochemical studies of metal dication complexes in an ion trap
CRC Press, 2010, 845-860.
 [32] Guohua Wu, Hamish Stewart, Francis D. Lemon, Hazel Cox, Anthony J. Stace, The UV photofragmentation spectroscopy of the metal dication complex [Mn(pyridine)4]
2+, Molecular Physics, 2010, 1199-1208.
 [33] K. McQuinn, F. Hof, J. S. McIndoe, X. J. Chen, G. H. Wu, A. J. Stace, Evidence for the formation of metastable and stable [Pb(H2O)n]2+ complexes in the gas phase, Chem. Commun.,  2009, 4088-4090.
 [34] X. J. Chen, Guohua Wu, B. H. Wu, B. J. Duncombe, A. J. Stace, Enhanced acidity of Zn2+ in the presence of small numbers of water molecules, J. Phys., Chem. B, 2008, 112 (49), 15525–15528.
 [35] Guohua Wu, C. Norris, H. Stewart, H. Cox, A. J. Stace, State-resolved UV photofragmentation spectrum of the metal dication complex [Zn(pyridine)4]2+, Chem. Commun., 2008, 4153-4155.
 [36] Guohua Wu, Hamish Stewart, Anthony J. Stace, UV photodissociation of cold multiply charged metal ion complexes in an ion trap(poster), Gordon Research International Conference on Molecular and Ionic Clusters, Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois, France, 7-12 September 2008
 [37] Guohua Wu, D. Chapman, A. J. Stace, Trapping and recording the collision- and photo-induced fragmentation patterns of multiply charged metal complexes in the gas phase, Int J. Mass Spectrom. 2007, 262, 211-219.

 [38] Guohua Wu, IR Photodissociation of cold multiply charged metal ion complexes in an ion trap (oral presentation), British Mass Spectrometry Society (BMSS) 29th Annual Meeting 2007, Heriot - Watt University, Edinburgh, 9 - 12 September 2007.
 [39] Guohua Wu, J. G. Guan, G. D. C. Aitken, H. Cox, A. J. Stace, Infrared multiphoton spectra from metal dication complexes in the gas phase, J. Chem. Phys., 2006, 124, 201103.

 [40] Guohua Wu, A. J. Stace, Gas phase studies of metal dimer complexes, M2Ln+, where M = Zn and Mn, and L = pyrrole and furan, for n in the range 1-5, Int J. Mass Spectrom.2006, 249, 289-295. 

 [41] Guohua Wu, An apparatus for studying photodissociation spectra of multiply charged metal complexes in the gas phase (oral presentation), 16th Annual Northern Universities Meeting on Chemical Physics (ANUMOCP), University of York, York, 05 July 2006
 [42] Guohua Wu, T. Sekiguchi, Y. Baba, I. Shimoyama, X-ray absorption fine structure and photon-stimulated ion desorption from solid MoO3 at molybdenum 3p(1/2), 3p(3/2) and oxygen 1s edges, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. B, 2006, 245, 406-410.
 [43] T. Sekiguchi, Y. Baba, Shimoyama I, G. H. Wu, Y. Kitajima, Mechanism of state-specific enhancement in photon-stimulated desorption as studied using a polarization-dependent technique,  Surf. Sci., 2005, 593, 310-317.
 [44] Guohua Wu, A. J. Stace, IRMPD fragmentation patterns and spectra of metal dication complexes (poster), Annual meeting of the Spectroscopy and Dynamics group of the RSC Faraday Division, University of Durham, 19-21 December 2005.
 [45] Guohua Wu, A. J. Stace, IRMPD study of the furan cation in an ion trap: Evidence of the extreme effect a competitive shift can have on reaction pathway, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2005, 412, 1-4.  



[1] 武国华,张东阳,唐博志,李龙,一种基于DART-MS/MS测定家蚕中谷丙转氨酶活力的方法,201410814288.6

[2] Guohua Wu, Hamish Stewart, Anthony J. Stace, Photochemical studies of metal dication complexes in an ion trapCRC Press, 2010, 845-860

[3] Guohua Wu, Wushuang Li, Direct analysis in Real Time Mass SpectrometryPrinciples and Practices of DART-MS, Wiley VCH Press, 2017, 97-113








2)稀土元素的家蚕生物学效应研究(2016.01--2017.12), 国家重点实验室开放课题(中科院长春应化所)(主持人,在研)


3)纳米材料对家蚕丝蛋白结构与性能改变机理的同步辐射研究(2016.9-2019.8), 江苏科技大学高水平科技成果培育项目(主持人,在研)






7)蚕桑产品及食用昆虫质量安全风险评估(2013.1-2013.12), 农业部农业财政项目(项目负责人,已结题)






12Metal ion solvation in the gas phase: exploring higher oxidation states (GR/S78599/02, 2004.09-2009.09), 英国EPSRC项目(第一完成人,已结题)
13Studies of multiply charged transition metal complexes in the gas phase (GR/M89799/01, 2004.03-2004.08), 英国EPSRC项目(主要完成人,已结题)
14Instrumentation for ligand field spectroscopy in the gas phase (GR/R34462/01, 2001.10-2004.09), 英国EPSRC项目(第一完成人,已结题)



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